Peter and Jane and Parody
Here is Peter. Here is Jane and here is an excellent vehicle for spoof and parody. This is fun! Peter, Jane, Mummy, Daddy and Pat the Dog have been asking for it, pretty well since they were invented, in 1964. …
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Here is Peter. Here is Jane and here is an excellent vehicle for spoof and parody. This is fun! Peter, Jane, Mummy, Daddy and Pat the Dog have been asking for it, pretty well since they were invented, in 1964. …
Read moreAs the recent documentary on Ladybird Books made clear, William Murray, creator – with McNally – of Peter and Jane, was a commited educationalist. His methodical, scientific approach to the teaching of literacy was what first enthused Douglas Keen and…
Read moreI once went to the launch of a Ladybird exhibition or nostalgia-fest book and the speaker (who worked for Penguin) opened by asking, “Is there a Peter or Jane in the room?” She went on to say that at most…
Read moreI have just come across the following wonderful poem here – and it seems so appropriate for this blog. From “from The State of Poetry by Roger McGough” Children’s Writer John in the garden Playing goodies and baddies Janet in…
Read moreI received this message last week: “I am trying to find a book to buy written in ITA. I learned ITA at school from 1965 to about 1968. I think it must have been pretty new then because when I…
Read moreStrangely enough, this week I’ve had two separate questions emailed to me about the Key Word Reader series in Gaelic. The first writer concerned reading schemes in general and asked:“Janet and John were very English children; theyspoke very proper English,…
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