Dedicated to old Ladybird books - 1914 -1975

Complete List of Ladybird books

You’ll find the complete list here

If you decide you want to collect then you’ll need a complete list of Ladybird books to act as a tick-list.

When I first got interested in Ladybird books, I found it very hard to get the sort of list I wanted – one which struck a balance between simplicity and information.  So I made one myself and that’s what I’m sharing here.  OK so when I say ‘complete’ I mean up to the early-1980s – for reasons explained below

You’ll find the complete list of books 1940 – 1980s here

I’ve gone beyond the years that most interest me and extended the list to cover the period  – from 1940 to the early 1980s.  This is to make sure that my list contains every book ever published with a dj or with matt boards – and quite a few that were only ever published with laminated covers.  The main reason for extending much beyond the mid-80s cut-off point is so as to include all the books in a series which began in the ‘golden years’.

Where there are significantly different editions I’ve listed these too.  As ever, beware of the date stated on the title page.  Very often two very different books share the same title, series and date.

If you want more detailed information about how to identify 1st editions, you’ll find those lists here.

(For a time span that goes up to the present and for much more information about Ladybird books published in different languages, you may find Nicole’s lists helpful).


Thank you
