If you were going to appoint a governement made up of Ladybird book characters, who would you choose? Here’s my top team:

Chancellor of the Exchequer: The Ogre from Jack and the Beanstalk. Keeps tight control of financial affairs – but also has a goose that lays golden eggs

Education Minister: Elizabeth Fry. Total dedication to do what’s right, not what’s easy; not easily daunted.

Health Minister: Fairy Godmother. If ever she were needed …

Home Secretary: Florence Nightingale (she would keep her department in brilliant order – and also produce wonderful info-graphics).

Defence Minister: Job share: The 3rd Little Pig, the 3 Billy Goats Gruff and The Bridge Troll. A coalition of the willing.

Culture and Sport: I think it would have to be Shakespeare – although I suspect he would need a good team in place to brief him on sport. He would instinctively understand popular culture but also be able to bluff his way through the high-brow stuff.

Levelling Up: Elizabeth Gaskell (aided by Charles Dickens)

They would see what needed to be done and pull no punches.

Minister without Portfolio: The Little Red Hen – what job can’t she turn her feet to?

Chief Whip: Henry V Excellent at rallying the troops

Prime Minister – no contest.

Elizabeth 1st. What a gal. What a leader. And wouldn’t she have fascinating, Tuesday discussions with the (other) Queen?

Any thoughts?