The best laid plans of pigs and sheep
Let me tell you story about a Little Red Hen. This is a story that has a moral, only I’m not quite sure what it is. Once upon a time there was a Ladybird book about a little red hen…
Let me tell you story about a Little Red Hen. This is a story that has a moral, only I’m not quite sure what it is. Once upon a time there was a Ladybird book about a little red hen…
Read moreAs fans of Alfred Hitchcock Movies like to try to spot his cameo role in each film, so a Ladybird book collector can try to spot all the wonderful instances of Ladybird publicity in books. There are loads of them,…
Read moreWhenever anyone writes the story of the Peter and Jane Key Word Reader books, they, not unnaturally, tell a similar story: that the first Peter and Jane book was published in 1964, written by William Murray and illustrated by Harry…
Read moreSome of us grew up with the characters Peter and Jane, from the key word reader series. But who were the real children who inspired the illustrations? This is the story of ‘Peter’, (aka Adrian Heath) who can claim to…
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