Dedicated to old Ladybird books - 1914 -1975

The Wonderful World of the Ladybird Artists: an exhibition

For an exhibition document – giving more details about hosting the exhibition, click here

Now on:

Where is the exhibition now? 

Summer 2024. The exhibition is now on at St Albans Museum, St Albans

It will be there (open daily) until 8th September. See St Albans Museum website for more details.

Future plans:

Spring 2025: Peterborough Museum, Peterborough

Summer 2025: Unshaw Historic House, Durham

Where has the exhibition already been?

Summer 2018, The Beaney, Canterbury

Summer 2019: New Walk Museum, Leicester

Autumn 2019: The Base, Newbury

Summer 2020: Willis Museum, Basingstoke

Autumn-Spring 2020/21: Rozelle House, Ayr

Summer 2021: Museum of Gloucester, Gloucester

Autumn 2021: The Tide and Time Museum, Great Yarmouth

Spring 2022: Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery

Summer 2022: The Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, The Wirral

Winter 2022- Spring 2023: Braintree Museum, Essex

Spring 2023- Autumn 2-23 Bailiffgate Museum, Alnwick, Northumberland

Winter – Spring 2024, The Victoria Art Gallery, Bath
