Here’s a Question and Answer application that I was experimenting with for work. I didn’t originally intend to share it as it looks like a bit of an ego-trip. But having created it and had a few people ask me questions …
Ask me any question (about Ladybird Books)and I’ll try to answer them for you here.
After typing your question in the box, click ‘send’. But watch out for the next message which also requires you to click Send – it seems to need reassurance – and to be told to SEND 2 or 3 times! Click just once and I won’t get your message – regardless of what I tell you! Give it a go.
Or click on the questions that someone has already asked me (below):
As usual am full of admiration for your web-site expertise. An interesting experiment that I hope you will continue in some form. It's much better than many of the vitual people on many 'ask a question' sites. Well done.
Thanks Tim
I got such a fright – I thought you were in real time! But I came back and asked you some questions 🙂 Sorry the first one asks if you were 'real'. Ha.
Sorry to scare you, Katherine! 🙂
So far your questions haven't come through. Please ask again – but after clicking 'send' the first time, make sure you put in your email address (even if you choose to be anonymous). It seems to make a difference for some reason.
Have been trying to leave a comment but don't think it is getting through.
Have been collecting the ladybird audio for the last year or so and am thinking of making an information page about it later in the year.I am still gathering the collection together.They really were beautiful recordings.
Do you think there would be much interest?
Have you ever heard anything about the original artwork for the Animal Series 497 – The Wise Robin etc?
The wonderful Hickling artwork? No, I've never come across any for sale. This suggests to me that the Longman Group may have it in their Ladybird archive. Only after the mid-sixties was artwork returned to the artist (and therefore could be re-sold.
On the other hand, if you look at the 'Prints for Sale' website, only the cover artwork seems to be for sale and only for some titles – which might raise a question as to whether it is in fact in the archive.
Hello I’m looking for a cassette called play time songs, my daughter was born in 1989 and it was her favourite one to listen in the car. I remember one of the songs being butterfly flutter by