Toys and Games
Here’s the 4th episode of the story behind some of Robert Ayton’s Ladybird artwork, as told by his nephew. This one is my personal favourite so far, as I loved this book as a child. Click on the book below….
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What do I mean by ‘History’? Actually a couple of different things.
When did Ladybird books begin?
Well it depends what you count as a Ladybird book. The company behind them, Wills & Hepworth, started printing the occasional children’s book as long ago as 1914 – but these are very different from the books we associate with the brand.Books in the distinctive Ladybird format first appeared in 1940. The next key date is 1972, when the company was sold at the height of its success. Success gradually waned – although the decision to close down UK printing altogether in 1999 remains controversial. On various blog posts here you will find parts of the story, which I’ll draw together some time soon. In the meantime, here’s a brief summary
‘History’ too can refer to the biographies of the key players – especially the artists, so you’ll find a lot of information here.
It can also refer to the biggest series of Ladybird books, the History series, mainly written by L du Garde Peach and illustrated by John Kenney. Either way, you should find quite a lot of information in the posts below
Here’s the 4th episode of the story behind some of Robert Ayton’s Ladybird artwork, as told by his nephew. This one is my personal favourite so far, as I loved this book as a child. Click on the book below….
Read moreHere is the first part of Rupert Ayton’s recollections of his Uncle Robert, the Ladybird Illustrator. There will be several more ‘chapters’ to follow. But for now … Part 1 – The Story of Flight
Read moreI’ve added a new biography page to Below you’ll find a biography of Robert Norton Ayton, illustrator of many Ladybird Books from the ‘golden age’ of the 1960s and 70s. You’ll find it here Coming soon: Reminiscences of Ayton’s life…
Read moreA very warm piece, written by a journalist who knew John Berry, appeared in the Guardian yesterday. Here’s the link to the online version.
Read moreI’ve made a new ‘History of Ladybird Books’ presentation. To view it you need to click the arrow at the bottom of the presentation – it might take a few seconds to load. Keep clicking that arrow to advance through…
Read moreI have only just heard that John Berry died just before Christmas, aged 89. When Ladybird was reaching its peak in the 1960s and 70s John Berry was one of the favoured artists. His style is photographic and was the…
Read moreFor quite a while now I’ve been working on a new Ladybird Book gallery, featuring lots of pictures and some commentry, slideshows etc. The old gallery is looking extremely dated and isn’t interactive. But this all takes time and so…
Read moreI am delighted to have recently acquired the rather odd-looking book in the picture. It was owned (and probably made) by William Murray – author of the Key Word Reading schemes: Peter and Jane and ‘Read with Me’. It’s a…
Read moreWhenever anyone writes the story of the Peter and Jane Key Word Reader books, they, not unnaturally, tell a similar story: that the first Peter and Jane book was published in 1964, written by William Murray and illustrated by Harry…
Read moreSome of us grew up with the characters Peter and Jane, from the key word reader series. But who were the real children who inspired the illustrations? This is the story of ‘Peter’, (aka Adrian Heath) who can claim to…
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